Dear Fellow 20-Somethings: We Owe It To Ourselves To Fix Ourselves

Dear Fellow 20-Somethings: We Owe It To Ourselves To Fix Ourselves

For some of us, it’s puzzling. Maybe you came from a relatively standard upbringing: two parents, suburban living, a more-or-less “average” life. And yet, somehow, you look in the mirror and see cracks in the person that you have become.

And for some of us, there may be clear episodes that ruptured your internal settings; perhaps some painful or traumatic experiences that you’ve forgotten about, pushed away, convinced yourself that it had no bearing on you, or carry with you every single day.

Regardless of how you may have arrived to this point, I am here to tell you: you are not alone. And you're not permanently damaged goods; you can undoubtedly mend those breaks in your being.

But I’ll also tell you up-front: it will take work. And it is up to you—no one else, only you—to do that work to fix yourself.

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